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ePoster 15

Wednesday, 5 March
Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 3
Gilles Pelfrene - NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
  • 0310-0322 223822
    A Downhole Closed-loop Method For Wellbore Trajectory Control Based on Azimuthal Logging While Drilling Data
    H. Wang, D. Chen, College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing; Z. Ye, College of Safety and Ocean Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing; K. Mao, College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
  • 0325-0337 223726
    Increasing Driller's Situational Awareness through Haptic Feedback
    A. Pavlov, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; J. Visser, W. Maas, Eindhoven University of Technology; A. Hashemi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; O. Ødegård, Siemens Energy AS; E. Steur, Eindhoven University of Technology; L. Imsland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology