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Geothermal Drilling Technologies

Thursday, 6 March
Room 2
Technical Session
This technical session focuses on innovative advancements in geothermal drilling technologies. Each presentation addresses unique challenges to enhance drilling efficiency. These advancements will aide in the development of geothermal resources by further decoupling the extreme nature of the environment from the cost.
Derek Adam - Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Adebowale Solarin - Noble Drilling Corporation
  • 1330-1355 223826
    Evaluating The Mechanical Durability of Well Cement and Geopolymer for Long-term Integrity in CCS Wells
    A. Hussain, S. Thiyagarajan, H. Emadi, D. Fernandez, I. Ispas, M. Watson, S. Henderson, Texas Tech University
  • 1355-1420 223784
    Limiter Redesign Workflow Yields Positive Results in Deep Geothermal Drilling in Switzerland
    A. Garcia, NOV Inc.; A. El-Alfy, Geo Energie Suisse; S. Noynaert, Texas A&M University; P. Centala, NOV Inc.; D.M. Wojaczek, NOV ReedHycalog; S. Moldoveanu, NOV
  • 1420-1445 223793
    ORCHYD: Combination Of High-pressure Water Jet And Percussion To Improve Drilling Performance In Hard Rocks
    L. Gerbaud, N. Velmurugan, E. Jahangir, H. Sellami, Mines Paris - PSL University; F. Cazenave, Drillstar; J. Latham, J. Xiang, S. Naderi, Imperial College London; A. Kane, S. Dumoulin, SINTEF Industry
  • 1445-1510 223789
    Short-Radius Multi-lateral Well Construction by Novel Directional Steel Shot Drilling: Cost-effective Solution for Geothermal Production Enhancement
    A. Reinicke, V. Zikovic, F. van Bergen, TNO; J. Blange, Canopus Drilling Solutions