Monday, 3 March |
1300–1700 | Registration | |
1300–1700 | Speaker Check In | |
1300–1700 | DSATS / ART Symposium and Reception |
Host Organisation:
Monday, 3 March |
1300–1700 | Registration | |
1300–1700 | Speaker Check In | |
1300–1700 | DSATS / ART Symposium and Reception |
Tuesday, 4 March |
0830–0930 | Welcome Coffee | Exhibit Hall |
0830–1730 | Registration | |
0830–1730 | Speaker Check In | |
0830–1900 | Exhibition | Exhibit Hall |
0930–1030 | Opening Ceremony | Room 1 |
1030–1115 | Coffee Break | Exhibit Hall |
1115–1215 | Executive Plenary Session 1: Shaping the Future of the Drilling and Well Industry | Room 1 |
1215–1330 | Delegate Luncheon | Exhibit Hall |
1330–1500 | Panel Session 1: Attracting the Next Generation to Our Industry | Room 1 |
1330–1510 | 01 Directional Drilling 1 | Room 2 |
1330–1510 | 02 Cementing & Zonal Isolation I | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1330–1510 | 03 Technical Studies in Drilling | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1510–1545 | Coffee Break | Exhibit Hall |
1510–1545 | PS01 ePoster 1 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 1 |
1510–1545 | PS02 ePoster 2 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 2 |
1510–1545 | PS03 ePoster 3 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 3 |
1510–1545 | PS04 ePoster 4 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 4 |
1510–1545 | PS05 ePoster 5 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 5 |
1510–1545 | PS06 ePoster 6 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 6 |
1545–1725 | 04 Drilling Automation | Room 1 |
1545–1725 | 05 Wellbore Quality - Measurements, Computations, and Models | Room 2 |
1545–1725 | 06 Cementing & Zonal Isolation II | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1545–1725 | 07 Human-Centric Technology | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1730–1900 | Conference Networking Reception | Exhibit Hall |
Wednesday, 5 March |
0730–1700 | Speaker Check In | |
0800–0830 | Welcome Coffee | Exhibit Hall |
0800–1730 | Registration | |
0800–1730 | Exhibition | Exhibit Hall |
0830–1010 | 08 Drill Bits 1 | Room 1 |
0830–1010 | 09 Emerging Technologies | Room 2 |
0830–1010 | 10 Cementing & Zonal Isolation III | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
0830–1010 | 11 Downhole Measurements and Tools | Room 4 - Jaeren |
0900–1300 | Energy4Me STEM Teacher's Workshop | |
1010–1045 | Coffee Break | Exhibit Hall |
1010–1045 | PS07 ePoster 7 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 1 |
1010–1045 | PS08 ePoster 8 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 2 |
1010–1045 | PS09 ePoster 9 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 3 |
1010–1045 | PS10 ePoster 10 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 4 |
1010–1045 | PS11 ePoster 11 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 5 |
1045–1225 | 12 Drill Bits 2 | Room 1 |
1045–1225 | 13 AI and Machine Learning | |
1045–1225 | 14 Drilling Fluids - Deepwater, Machine Learning and Rock Mechanic Aspects | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1045–1225 | 15 Drilling Dynamics | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1225–1330 | Delegate Lunch | Exhibit Hall |
1330–1500 | Panel Session 2: Leveraging Drilling and Well Competency for a Successful Green Transition | Room 1 |
1330–1510 | 16 Tubulars | Room 2 |
1330–1510 | 17 MPD Technologies | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1330–1510 | 18 Case Studies | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1510–1545 | Coffee Break | Exhibit Hall |
1510–1545 | PS12 ePoster 12 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 1 |
1510–1545 | PS13 ePoster 13 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 2 |
1510–1545 | PS14 ePoster 14 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 3 |
1510–1545 | PS15 ePoster 15 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 4 |
1510–1545 | PS16 ePoster 16 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 5 |
1510–1545 | PS17 ePoster 17 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 6 |
1545–1725 | 19 BHA Dynamics | Room 1 |
1545–1725 | 20 Drilling Efficiency | Room 2 |
1545–1725 | 21 Case Studies II | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1545–1725 | 22 Low Emission – High Efficiency Drilling Technologies | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1730–1900 | GEN01 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Session and Reception | Room 1 |
Thursday, 6 March |
0800–1500 | Speaker Check In | |
0800–0900 | Welcome Coffee | Exhibit Hall |
0800–1500 | Registration | |
0800–1510 | Exhibition | Exhibit Hall |
0900–1030 | Panel Session 3: AI And Automation in Well Construction: Enhancing Capacity, Planning, and Operations | Room 1 |
0900–1300 | Energy4me STEM Student's Workshop | |
0900–1040 | 23 Well Design and Construction for Geothermal and CCUS | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
0900–1040 | 24 Leading and New Technologies 1 | Room 4 - Jaeren |
1040–1115 | Coffee Break | Exhibit Hall |
1040–1115 | PS18 ePoster 18 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 1 |
1040–1115 | PS19 ePoster 19 | Exhibit Hall - ePoster Station 2 |
1115–1215 | Executive Plenary Session 2: Accelerating Technology Implementation to Improve Drilling and Well Efficiency | Room 1 |
1215–1330 | Delegate Lunch | Exhibit Hall |
1330–1510 | 25 Drilling Case Studies: Advancement and Optimization | Room 2 |
1330–1510 | 26 Geothermal Drilling Technologies | Room 3 - Vinsdafjorden |
1330–1510 | 27 Leading and New Technologies 2 | Room 4 - Jaeren |